Our Story
Hi! My name is Jamye Luu and I am the founder of Call & Glory.
I grew up in Oklahoma, where attending church with my mom was a regular Sunday activity, though it felt more like a custom than a true spiritual experience.
It was in 2017, at the age of 29, that I encountered Christ and truly heard the Gospel for the first time. This happened during one of the most difficult times in my life as I was battling severe anxiety. Each day was overshadowed by fear that left me feeling broken and hopeless. But in the midst of that difficult season, God’s perfect timing led me back to Him. My brother played a pivotal role in helping me understand who Jesus is, and just five weeks into discipleship, I surrendered my life to Christ. From that moment, everything changed. I felt a joy I had never known before. I learned to talk with God through prayer and experienced God’s divine affirmations week after week. His love was so tangible and his movements were so visible in my life. My anxiety started to fade as I realized the root of my struggles wasn’t caused by anything external but rather a spiritual deficiency. Only Jesus could heal me from my brokenness; only he could give me the fulfillment my soul had been longing for. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
My hope is that God will use my story to encourage others who are still searching for the peace and joy only Jesus can offer. I pray that my designs can become daily reminders of God’s love and leave footprints in other people’s lives, just as He did mine!
To God be all the glory!